Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A dream in my broken heart ❤


The beginning, the origin, the first thought...

I went to a ladies conference.  
I was a young mom, and sleep deprived.  

I married at the age of 19 and had my first son at 21.  He was only a month old and the Lord set a new dream in my broken heart. 

Time away was much needed.  The conference topic: A Vessel for HonorIt was wonderful.  That night, I woke up at 3am.  I was so tired, but my mind was very alert.  

I began scribbling some things down.  God was stirring things in my heart and I wrote them all out.  One of the things on the list was this:  write a book.

Thus, the birth of an idea, an idea that would take 13+ years to come to fruition.   The Lord was clear and He set my heart towards His Word - and the journey of a lifetime had begun.  

I have always loved to write.  I have known, since the Lord woke me up that night, that I would eventually complete the manuscript at some point in time.  But, I have to admit, it is quite surreal, now that I am meeting with an editor and searching for a publisher.  And thus began the dream - the dream in my heart that was entirely broken and set towards healing.  Thank you for visiting this page.  I pray that the Lord would use the words in this book to begin mending your broken heart.  He is the healer of all things broken!

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